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Gift of the Earth


Wellness Advocate

“Our Food Should Be Our Medicine & Our Medicine Should Be Our Food”

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Hello, I'm Mihaela Țîbîrnă
your nutritionist - dietitian

I am passionate about nutrition and health. I support and guide everyone who wants to improve the quality of their life. You enjoy, among other things, mental clarity and high energy levels.

Contact Green Class to feel better today! Eat well, live long and well!

Daily:  9:00 - 16.00

+4 0769 68 68 69

Hello, I'm Constantin Țîbîrnă
your nutritionist - dietitian

I love everything I do and every day I practice my job with satisfaction and enthusiasm. I give my knowledge and energy to everyone who wants to have a life transformed for the better!

Come with us and discover the passion for the nutrition of the human body.

Daily:  9:00 - 16.00

+4 0742 11 24 80

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Citrus Fruits

Green Class Programs and Services

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Green Class Diet - Lose Weight Healthy

Recommendations, Video Lessons, Support - email * Collections of Recipes 

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Nutritional Treatment in Joint and Bone Diseases

Recommendations, Support, Collaboration - email, zoom * Collections of Recipes 

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My book teaches you how to lose weight and have a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle (romanian language)

Every human being must understand the fundamental principles by which he and his body function.
"Why do I eat and what happens to the food I eat?"

We assume that if a food is edible, it is also valuable for the body. Come learn more about:

How to reduce body weight

Ways to improve health

Dietary Recommendations

Lifestyle and Sport 

31 EUR

21 EUR

Our book teaches you how to have proper nutrition to help the body regenerate bone and joint tissues (romanian language)

Bone and joint pain is excruciating, frustrating and discouraging. It hurts and hurts. All you can do is give up or postpone everyday tasks and pleasures. This limitation every time you move is terrible.

Can you believe that changing your daily eating habits will have such a positive impact on your life? The book Nutritional Treatment in Bone and Joint Diseases prepares you for a much improved life.

Come learn more about:

How to reduce bone and joint pain, discomfort

Dietary Recommandations

Get visible improvements to the health of your entire body

PLUS: Lose excess body weight

18 EUR

12 EUR

Nutritional treatment in bone and joint diseases
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What Our Customers Say 

With much love, I will recommend to all those who will want and who will be interested in regaining their own health and those close to them, the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, recommended by Mrs.Mihaela Tibirna Nutritionist Dietitian!

The morbid obesity and some abnormal values in the various tests, the bad condition I was feeling, convinced me that I should say STOP!


Of course, I had very good results, I lost many kilograms, the results of the analyzes improved, returning to normal levels.

I confidently recommend those who wish to enroll in your programs, assuring all those interested of the wonderful results they will be able to have BY CHOOSING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE! 


Laurentiu N

Nutrition blog

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Get in touch with us:

Phone: 0769 68 68 69 |

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