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Green Class Diet :

Nutrition Guide Book


28 days - Intensive Weight Loss Program

  • you get the four essential principles of healthy eating

  • you learn how to act correctly to reach your target weight, waistline, be healthy and vital.

  • you get two nutritional program options. choose the option that corresponds to your BMI.

  • how you prepare and combine food correctly

  • you have in detail simple and tasty recipes for every meal of the 28 days.

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The book is for you if:
Anchor 1

​How to take the First 6 STEPS to healthy vegan eating

​You have tried other weight loss options before and did not maintain the results in the long term;

You are facing excess body weight and want to get rid of this excess;

You want to maintain the weight already achieved;

You want to have a waist, a body to be proud of!

You want to be vital and full of energy;

Want to get rid of excessive sweet and salty cravings;

You wish you could keep your chaotic eating under control;

You feel the need for guidance in organizing and disciplining your eating actions;

You need the trust and support of a certified specialist;

You want to feel safe and eliminate the risks of ailments when you lose weight.


​What BENEFITS you can have by applying the recommendations in the guide:

A nutritional program that leaves nothing out: everything you need from A to Z to achieve your goals;

Certified support from a licensed specialist in nutrition and dietetics at the university of medicine;


Get rid of extra pounds and get the waist you've been dreaming of for a long time;


Sweet and salty cravings disappear and you discover new tastes that bring you maximum pleasure;


You rediscover truths you knew but ignored their importance;


You acquire new eating habits whose ease of application is amazing;


You get visible improvements to your health;


You make significant progress in self-esteem and enjoy consistent success as you progress through the program;


Are you addicted to coffee? You will be delighted with the energy and vitality gained that this bondage will become a memory or just a presence for pampering and socializing.

Order the book now
"Health has a waistline"

Profită de reducerea de preț:  148 lei  100 lei

About me:

​My name is Constantin Tîbîrnă. I am a licensed nutritionist dietitian. I might add that I am an educator, author and trainer in nutrition and dietetics.


I love everything I do and every day I practice my job with satisfaction and enthusiasm. About Constantin, I strongly say that he is first and foremost a husband, father and friend.

I am passionate about the nutrition of the human body. I give my knowledge and energy to everyone who wants to be educated and have a life transformed for the better!

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  • Discover what you can do new...
    An assumed start The origins of the nutritional program "Health has a waistline!" Major benefits of the nutritional program "Health has a waistline!"
  • Correct nutrition - the essential factor for an optimal body weight
    Correct nutrition - what is it? The normal, traditional, western, healthy and ... correct diet Correct nutrition - the basis of a harmonious life Are you what you eat? What you eat and what actually reaches your cells Waisted and healthy body shape vs. waistless, fat and sick The 4 friends – common sense recommendations for proper nutrition
  • Pregătirea
    IMC – ul (indicele de masă corporală), punct de referință în alegerea unei variante de program Modificări simple și gradate pentru un plan perfect Lista cu alimente incluse în programul ”Sănătatea are talie !” Alimente esențiale Alegerea alimentelor Cum faci cumpărăturile alimentare Personalizarea cumpărăturilor alimentare Eticheta alimentară Cum citești eticheta unui aliment În plus, nimic la întâmplare Modul corect de preparare a alimentelor în programul nutrițional ”Sănătatea are talie !” Soluții de optimizare a tratamentului termic a alimentelor Alimente, nutrienți și suplimente cu putere antioxidantă Antioxidanții trupe de elită Detoxifierea, regenerarea şi vitalizarea Exercițiul fizic – o prioritate Odihna şi relaxarea – ceea ce asigură armonia între trup, minte şi spirit
  • "Health Has Waist" Nutrition Program for Weight Loss
    Detailed nutritional program for 28 days - VARIANT 1 pt. BMI 25-35 The detailed nutritional program for 28 days - 2ND VARIATION for BMI 35-40 and BMI > 40 Why are there two variants? For example, if you are 165 cm tall and weigh 80 kg, your BMI will be 29.4 and you fall into the Overweight category. But if you weigh 96 kg at the same height, you will have a body mass index of 35.3 and fall into the second degree obesity category. Basically, the higher your weight is above normal, the higher your body's BMI is.
  • Weight maintenance plan
    A food plan for long and quality life The 12 actions that keep your body healthy and slim Open your mind to an exceptional life


​What the readers of the book Health has a waist say:

I recommend this book with confidence, for me it is more than a book, it is a guide to my health.
Thank you very much that I had the opportunity to have this book, even if I don't live in Romania.

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Simona V

Vegetables in Paper Bags
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Join thousands of top achievers

using the recommendations in the guide "Health has a Waist!"

What more could you want?  Be healthy and have an enviable body!

Order the book now
"Health has a waistline"

Take advantage of the price reduction:  148 lei  100 lei

Copyright © 2022 Green Class | Mihaela Tîbîrna

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