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Writer's pictureConstantin Țîbîrnă

With mask -without mask

(taken from the website, published on 3.05.2020)

Entertainment: With a mask - without a mask!

More than 30 years ago, you could watch a show on TV: With a mask and without a mask, the place where you really laughed. Now the mask is out of the show and accompanies our lives even more, under the mask you can sense a questioning, fearful expression. Society lives a terrifying expectation, what would we do without a mask. Let's not forget that fear can kill, as the saying goes: "he died of fear".

In relation to this coronavirus, people want a magical savior solution that doesn't put them to work, so without effort. But the aggravating situation of people with low immunity in contact with this coronavirus is recognized.

And then a legitimate question arises. Along with the ultra-known and recommended essential actions: washing hands, wearing a mask, social distancing... what can I do to increase my immunity?

Let's understand a first aspect:

Immunity is the characteristic of the body by which it keeps away or neutralizes possible aggressors and creates specific methods to reduce their harmful effects. So it's your body's job to defend you!

Like any defense system and the immune system of the human body needs soldiers, weapons, ammunition... All these need raw material and guess what, this raw material comes from food. Now whether or not they contain the necessary nutrients is the real challenge.

Here is a prime reason to "walk" to our eating habits, change them and accept new tastes and new recipes.

Surely it's only in our interest!!!

Let's understand a second aspect:

We are the product of our past. And this one was run by the biggest and the "greatest". Going a little deeper, in a few words I invite you to be aware of the involvement of society, big and small, in your education.

  • You were born. Like it or not, you ate what was given to you. So, then, you've formed eating habits that you stubbornly don't want to change at the moment, because they're just yours and you "choose" what you like and what you don't. Huh!

  • In addition, you have taken for granted all the ideas, the principles of those older than you or from opinion leaders, with or without degrees: and now you say that you believe this or that.

Now I want you to stop and ask yourself: am I the one who chooses what happens to my life?

Let's also realize that society has evolved thanks to those who assiduously searched for something new, something to improve the old or replace it with something superior.

It also applies to your life. Accept the new.

Let's also understand a third aspect:

As a professional in the field of nutrition and dietetics, I offer you countless solutions, but in order to accept them, an openness to something else, to the new, to common sense values is necessary.

To begin with, it is enough to look around, notice people older than you and count how many of them are (really) healthy. If he has a medical diagnosis, symptoms: embarrassment and pain and is taking medication, he is not a healthy person! Also, do you notice what they feed on and what their habits are?

You will notice in the case of the majority a common lifestyle, called normal with the known consequences, disease and suffering.

The good news is that you can prevent your entry into "normal". You may not be like them: sick, overweight and with obviously unsightly body shapes, possibly with thoughts and attitudes that accompany depressive states or other negative psycho-emotional manifestations.

Choose new thoughts, new concerns, new foods, new recipes, new information from media-internet-google. And last but not least, ask when you're not sure what's best for you. Ask where common sense resides. Don't believe in ads, it's about money. Don't believe in the "specialist" in politics, it's about control and power interests - surely you can guess who and when he is with or without a mask.

Now you can have complete confidence in yourself, with or without a mask

Have you ever asked yourself, if not, do it now: Without hesitation, who do I trust the most?

Even if you found someone, I can answer you: IN YOURSELF!

You CAN have the utmost confidence in yourself! And that is because of true knowledge. And who can contradict you if YOU have lived and are living a certain experience, if you have achieved one or more extraordinary results and are thus convinced of the value of these actions? That way you know best what is best for you, with or without a mask.

I advised my patients to shut up and do, become role models, and then tell what they did. Those around them saw the transformation and decided they wanted the same results. Good!

Now is the time for patients who have followed a nutritional treatment to say what they did to achieve the benefits they are proud of. Yes, now is the time! Why? Because the present has stopped us from our gallop through life and puts us in a position to make new choices and see that we can be different, more careful with ourselves and our families, without a mask, including: what food we buy , how we cook them, how we combine them, how much we eat, in other words what else we could eat to feel better now and in the future.

Finally, I offer you two articles that show you the first simple and common-sense steps to change your eating pattern to improve your present and future immune system:

You can always leave a comment. I guarantee to read it and I will answer you with interest.

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