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Writer's pictureConstantin Țîbîrnă

Foods that "charm" viruses, or what you can eat healthy when you "stay at home"

(taken in full from the site:, March 30, 2020)

Foods that "charm" viruses, or what you can eat healthy when you "stay at home"

If you look simply, the answer to this question is: what you bought and put in the refrigerator and in the pantry. I assure you that you will find few foods that "charm" viruses among those stored.

It is the same response as in a normal, non-emergency situation. However, now many are wondering how long it will last, what I will eat in a while, what I will stock up on and if I will be able to stock up again soon. With all these questions, the man goes shopping and chooses foods with a long shelf life. It's good, because it reduces the mental stress generated by insecurity. However, an amendment is needed.

Regardless of what you've already bought, you can still buy food that also contributes to:

1. Maintaining / improving the optimal functioning of your body, thus maintaining your health

2. To enjoy the taste by creating individual recipes, you now have the chance to eat food cooked by you, prepared, washed, combined in a more careful way and last but not least YOU HAVE TIME TO CHEW WELL!!

3. Increasing the nutritional value of meals to ensure the support/increase of the body's defense capacity against environmental pathogens, or in other words a strong immune system.

Any pathogen attacks another living organism more or less intensely, if the latter has an increased or decreased ability to defend itself. Now more than ever, your body needs quality nutrients in an overwhelming variety. These requirements can only be met by consuming quality foods and nutritional supplements.

The most important thing now is to stay healthy.

What you can do now when you "stay at home":

1. When shopping for food: (at any time you will be able to move for this necessity) and in the supermarket and at the market you can find foods with increased nutritional value: raw and fresh vegetable foods, seasonal and as "clean" as possible - closer to nature . Do not miss from your home:

  • Seasonal fruits: apples, oranges, tangerines, bananas, pineapples, lemons, avocados,

  • Seasonal vegetables: carrots, beetroot, onion, garlic, broccoli

  • Seasonal green leaves: green onions, spinach, cabbage and possibly nettles, leurde, hasmatuchi

  • Seeds of: pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, hemp (all unroasted!)

  • Nuts: Romanian walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts

  • Cold pressed oil of: olive, linseed, hemp


Following the consumption of fruits and vegetables through the high intake of betanin and lycopene from colored vegetables, the urine will be colored red/yellow/orange. This fact has no pathological significance, do not panic, it has no negative connotations.

2. Avoid (I didn't say forbidden! but the (much) less often the better) buying and consuming foods with high content of sugar, salt and saturated or industrially processed fats. Included in this category: fast food, hamburgers, chips, margarine, cakes, pastries, bagels, biscuits, chocolate, doughnuts, white bread, muffins, sugar, commercial meat preparations, type: cold cuts, salami, small, smoked, as well as drinks: carbonated drinks, coffee (or any caffeinated drink), commercial juices, energy drinks, machine drinks, any kind of alcohol!

3. Wash the food well, under hot water! Clean affected parts (mildew, rotten)

Additional recommendations, along with daily meals of foods that "charm" viruses:

Those who have worked with me already know that I recommend them to all my patients. Along with the specific nutritional treatment and some additional actions (and we debate these topics at length) and which constitute healthy behaviors:

Physical exercises :

DAILY!!!! In the morning and evening, never immediately after serving the meal, let 1 hour pass.

Every morning and evening do the number of executions that allow you to continue the next day, i.e. don't force yourself to get muscle fever. Perform any movement without excessive effort and without exhaustion. Practice DAILY gymnastics, the one mentioned below or the one that creates your pleasure, well-being!

  • squats - if you can't, perform 10 bicycle rotations from lying on your back

  • push-ups - if you can't, perform:

    • lifting weights of 1 kg for each hand or 1+1 bottle of 1 l water (hands next to the body and lift them stretched across the face slowly! up to above the head vertically)

    • and lifting weights of 1 kg for each hand, or 1+1 bottles of 1 l of water each (hands next to the body and lift them slowly sideways! up to above the head vertically)

    • bringing weights of 1 kg for each hand, or 1+1 bottles of 1 l of water each (hands stretched out next to the body, bend the elbows and bring the bottles across the front of the body to shoulder level, slowly!)

  • abdominal exercises - if you can't, perform as follows: the trunk remains on the ground and the legs are raised, the legs are kept raised at 45 degrees for 15-30 seconds, hold as long as you can, let the muscles of the abdomen do the movement - to lift and maintain the legs!)

  • Every 5th day, add one of each type of recommended exercise and a deep breath (if you cannot perform a new exercise, you will perform the same number until it is EASY to add an extra exercise - this can happen in a week or a month DO NOT FORCE, add only when you can!)

Mental approach:

  • The more detached you receive the information from the environment (news, results, media phenomena) the more chances of recovery. The more you worry and worry, the harder the path will be, maintaining your health. Consider NOW that you are ON VACATION! Whether you are doing household, professional activities, or simply staying at home.

  • I suggest that you be aware of the emergence of nervous manifestations and drop them IMMEDIATELY (instantly?) and laugh heartily at their futility.


  • You go to bed at 10-11pm at the latest.

  • Night sleep 7-8 hours.

  • We recommend support and understanding with and from those close to you, calmly and without agitation.

  • NO NEWS AND MOVIES! FILMS JUST COMEDIES BUT AT WHICH YOU CAN LAUGH!! Avoid modern comedies that don't make you laugh. They keep your attention focused on the action and prevent you from relaxing.

Free activities:

  • Easy walks.

  • 3 deep breaths of ventilation and additional oxygen supply. Every 5th day add a breath of ventilation.

  • Views of green forests and expanses of nature. Or the sky, and the patch of greenery, tree, flower, buds. Do not look directly at the sun. But you can stay in the sun only early in the morning (until 9:00) and in the evening after 18:30!

What are those foods that "charm" viruses?

  • Fruits are recommended because of the vitamins and antioxidants they contain. In the nutritional treatment of viral diseases (see diet for hepatitis B), it is recommended to eat only fresh fruits, because canned fruits usually have a large amount of sugar.

  • Eat and "charm" the viruses with: berries, citrus fruits, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, black currants and tomatoes (all a nutritional super power given by powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, namely quercitin, kaempferol, rutin, to name just a few of the thousands of bioflavonoids, resveratrol and sources rich in Vitamin C, magnesium and copper, all with an undeniable microbiological protective action

  • Natural fruit juice made at home, from fresh fruit is a holiday treat!

  • Fresh vegetables eaten in the form of salads, beetroot, bell pepper, cauliflower, radish, onion, celery, lettuce, spinach, seasoned with chopped parsley leaves, dill, celery, green onion leaves and seasoned with lemon juice. At what a wealth of nutrients of "princely" value, the microorganisms will surely be charmed and calm as before 2020.

How to prepare food in a healthy way at home:

a. What can be eaten raw, vegetables, preferably eaten in their natural state, of course washed well and cleaned of what is adulterated (see the rule above) - in this way consume foods that "charm" viruses

b. Preparation by boiling follows. The second method allows nutrients to remain more bioavailable.

c. Baked in the oven already gives us the taste we crave, but the food prepared in this way is much healthier than the methods that follow.

d. There is a healthy rule of thumb for frying:

I will give you three examples and then conclude:
Finely chop the onion and place it in the hot oil in the pan. It sizzles, spins and SPLASHES! It sizzles again, it spins... it splashes with water, etc. for 1-2 minutes. Add the other diced vegetables and do the same: sizzle, sprinkle with water and swirl in the pan... This way the VEGETABLES DO NOT BROWN AND KEEP THEIR COLOR !!! The onion remains yellowish-white, the pepper green/red...
Omelette: beat the egg in a bowl/plate, turn it over in the hot oil, spread it and set it, turn it over on the other side, set it on that side as well and "salt" in the plate. This way it stays yellow and becomes a delicious-healthy omelette!
The meat: the thinner it is cut, the faster the heat penetrates and thus it cooks quickly without the need for a long time as in the case of a thick piece of meat which ends up browning intensely on its surface.

e. The GRILL is at the end. - I'm wodering why ? (Those who want certifications, research, studies and scientific information can ask for and I offer them hundreds of sources about acrylamide, acrolein, tar and other particularly toxic substances from combustion gases and substances in food that undergo harmful transformations at high temperatures. Those who have you read the book "Health has a waist" you know what substances and transformations are involved in the case of the grill).

Because you care about yourself and your family, now is the time to take into account the advice of specialists who have been beating you on the head for years, eliminate:

  • Smoking;

  • Foods with chemical additives (Es, preservatives);

  • Highly refined foods (cheese, processed cheese, canned food);

  • Commercially manufactured meat preparations (sausages, sausages, smoked meats, preserves – ? Why? – curious that now everyone has made stocks, those who want certifications, research, studies and scientific information can ask and I give them hundreds of sources)

  • Fast food preparations;

  • Reused frying oil.

  • In addition, I recommend everyone to avoid contact with any kind of toxic substances: insecticides, paints, volatile substances and room/car fresheners, anti-moth/anti-mosquito.

Top researchers recommend supplementation in crisis situations (ie read ailments, deficits, dysfunctions...):

Supplements with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are the closest solutions to optimal nutrition of the body. Valuable help is also provided by many other phytonutrients.

The list of supplements I recommend is here (coming soon to Useful Resources)

Attention, the recommended supplements are not medicines! They are extracts from plants, providing essential plant nutrients to support optimal functioning and which also have the role of stimulating the body's self-defense and self-regeneration capacity.

Dear reader, now is your chance to start a new life with a new eating pattern (with a new lifestyle) in your favor! Stay at home and have time to re-educate yourself and benefit from numerous advantages that you would not have considered otherwise!

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