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Writer's pictureConstantin Țîbîrnă

Everyone is responsible for their own life.

(article taken from published on 17.04.2020)

Everyone is responsible for their own life, but we also have a shared responsibility. We are all Romanians, part of the same Romanian society. But above all we are part of a family and last but not least each of us has our own life that we are proud to live the way we want. (here we are not talking about children, even if, depending on their age, some children are quite mature, and neither are people without discernment).

Some blame everything that surrounds them, consider that others are to blame for everything "that goes wrong in this country". Some choose to leave "spitting" on the legacy of their ancestors, others renounce the same legacy and let others "fuss" with the reins of power, and some do not care about the future, engaging only for immediate profit and if maybe as big as possible now without thinking about the consequences, making countless compromises accompanied by grotesqueness and immorality, as some say: "let the money come out", or "what's in it for me?"

We are Romanians

That whether we like it or not, we are Romanian and no one will erase this "label" as long as we live. You will not change this fact no matter how far you go in this world. Or however intense is your attitude of discrediting the Romanian people, the Romanian nation and the country of Romania. You only have the solution to change your attitude, to see the sides, the good side of the Romanian phenomenon, to anchor yourself to these positive aspects, to grow them... along with you. Because YOU can be the one who changes through personal example.

It is known that man is a social monkey. He imitates gestures, words, attitudes, behaviors of his peers. For this reason man becomes a fan, chooses to be fashionable or is a participant in an idea-principle. So, if I, you, or most of us become moral, with common sense, determined with thoughts of correct, healthy evolution and STAY FIRM ON THE POSITION, that is, we keep and live in the spirit of the stated, exposed principles, then those around they will follow / imitate us, sooner or later.

Life teaches us that we make the choices (or so we think). So the solution never comes from outside, it is always our choice. It is clear that no one is coming to save us. Neither personally nor as a people. Everyone sees their own self-interest. I'm not saying help is out of the question, but freedom is always earned on your own. That it is physical, emotional, financial freedom, of opinion, of expression, health, joy, happiness.... So, I repeat, everyone is responsible for his life.

If someone else comes to save us, what is our role?

Therefore, the Americans, the Russians, the EU or any other nation will not come to our rescue. I think you noticed that everyone wants to take from others and give to their own. If you haven't realized by now, we're on our own. Every people is on their own. That he receives help, sometimes, this help must go back where it came from, maybe tithe, maybe with interest, or in the form of an obligation, all of which are forms of enslavement, disguised forms of the loss of freedom.

WE, the Romanian people, have been dominated for as long as we know ourselves by the chains of power of others or ours sold for 3 silvers or subjugated by desires of greatness and grandiosity. 30 years ago we just shook off an ideological yoke. But I fell, as they say, "from the lake into the well." And since it's tighter here, we don't fit anymore and we started to escape from this crowding, wanting our individual freedom above that of the group.

Now (you can) see what it's like when you can't do what you want, you feel the stress, the anxiety, the anger, the anguish.

Now we are in the situation of being deprived of freedom even if we are far from the country, rich or poor, with degrees or without, in important positions or at the shovel. The restriction of individual freedom is accepted because it is imposed on us, the law is the law, but also because the end of the 30 days "escape" can be seen in the near future (see the state of emergency, the pandemic, covid19...). And you can now see how difficult this period is, how slow and how oppressive the waiting is. For some. For others it is a joy, a joy of the new, of the discovery of everything that he wanted to do before and postponed due to lack of time. Here is the solution.

Be open to appreciating what pleases you, what your calling is, what new fields appear on the horizon and call you to discover them. It's like when, as a teenager, there were opportunities that you wanted to pursue in life. It's time to give free rein to your imagination, to let your mind come up with genius ideas. You have the advantage of the old sayings: "seek and you shall find", "he who seeks finds", "an idea came to me!", "when you take one step towards God, He takes 10 towards you". Let's not forget all this, we are nobody's business!

We are Romanians from the race of those who built new and new inventions, innovations, brought the good from the sphere of universal thoughts into everyday practice. We can boast of a whole universe of valuable people, like any other people. Perhaps we can even be proud of ours because they managed to overcome anonymity even better than others, sons of powerful nations who wrote history. We did not write history but we penetrated anonymity through the infinite value of the genius spirits of this people.

How can you not be proud of that?

So what do we do now, in the current situation?

A people is the average of its members. An average of all sectors of life: relationships, economic, financial, educational, health concerns... What I mean by this is that when EVERYONE INDIVIDUALLY evolves, the average rises, the people evolve as well, and benefits arise for all.

Let's note that the Romanian people cry for pity and at the same time criticize left and right, the legacy of the past and the "oppression" coming from others. To escape from all this, he accepts the solutions of others, giving up his freedom in exchange for a supposedly "safer" future. Or in other words he is afraid to think, because in his past, he did so in his narrow sphere, in his limited space, for family and close community.


The time has come to rise from the ashes! We Romanians, but all (some will say that only some, that ... the others ....) are in the deepest and perhaps hidden depths full of human qualities. We all have them somewhere hidden, sheltered so that they are not mocked by the insensitivity of others. These qualities are the most precious treasure of this Romanian people. We care about them and hide them as deep as possible for fear of being stolen from us.

It is recognized that "if you are good, you are stupid". And the Romanian, nowadays, in the last hundred years, also wants to stick his head out into the world and because he is bumping into a different society, he wants to copy and do well. He is afraid to show what he really is. In this way he ends up being fake, wearing masks and sneaking around following rules that don't belong to him, and I repeat, it's a fake experience. And this is all the more visible and that is why others can sell, buy, "control" us.

All that I have previously laid out is a preamble to a future that I want for this people, for those around me and for everyone I come to know. I want to share the correct knowledge of life lived healthily, to touch the lives of all those who want to be vital Romanians, red-cheeked and with a positive vision, for the better for themselves and their loved ones.

What can I do for you?

Because my profession is a nutritionist - dietician, I will limit myself to presenting my point of view on the matter. I leave the other appreciations-solutions to the specialists. Each of you excels in one area. Give those around you the best solutions you know and want for yourself. That way, you will surely give your best.

I believe that the Romanian nation had and can continue to maintain a healthy Romanian diet. Here is the most common sense solution for the health of the Romanian people and of each individual Romanian. When it comes to food, two horizons open up:

  • Food preparation: agriculture, animal husbandry, industrial and thermal food preparation

  • Nutritional education: what, how much, when and how we combine food and the value of the nutrients involved in the well-being of our own body

Both directions characterize both individual and group evolution of the population. And according to the already expressed principle "everyone is responsible for his own life", now what you can do personally is welcome. What happens at the macro level is a responsibility of opinion leaders, politicians and specialists. How can we get them to work for all of us? Being us the example to follow. If we demand and actually buy the foods WE want, the others will disappear from the market. By refusing to buy certain products the manufacturer will either disappear or will have to produce what WE demand! There are already signs that such a change in optics is already taking place in production and commerce (see the new bio-, eco-, natural currents).

It's a long-term process, it has to be started and ... the snowball will grow exponentially. Perhaps our children, grandchildren will live a deep gratitude for your efforts now. What do you want for your children?

The engine of change

Because it is quite a vast subject, involving a lot of information and complex solutions, all that remains is to turn on the engine of change and walk step by step the road to a healthy life, free from diseases and worries. You know very well that only something new can bring new results. You can't get any other results by doing the same actions.

If it is clear to you, I challenge you to implement new recommendations, to adopt a new lifestyle that will bring you an improved lifestyle. It's only for your benefit. The proof is the hundreds of thousands of people who have started and are on this path.

You know very well that the first step is to accept the change in your life.

It's about changes that put you to work, because nothing is achieved without a commensurate effort. The good news comes with sustained concern day by day, the effort will become less and less.

On other occasions, I have debated and now I will expose again the four principles of correct, healthy eating. With these principles you will improve your eating pattern. Those who follow my recommendations already know very well and have the four friends at hand:

  1. the 50-50 rule (at each main meal 50% thermally prepared food – 50% raw: vegetables, green leaves and seeds),

  2. varied, seasonal, closer to nature (wash green leaves, fruit and vegetables WELL! – fruit is for snacking between meals!)

  3. chew WELL! (a minimum of 15-20 times for each mouthful – that's an efficient pace!)

  4. eating on time (3 meals a day + 2 snacks between meals)

(These four friends are characterized in detail in the nutrition guide "Health has a waist", author Constatnin Țîbîrnă - licensed nutritionist and dietician)

Let's go to a higher level

If you think you can do more, an article from last week recommends solutions to increase your quality of life after the isolation period: After Covid 19 what will be the possible individual reality?

However, don't forget what we started with. Everyone is responsible for their own life. You are your life! No one outside of you can, without YOUR consent, dictate what, when, how and how much to do now, in the next moment, tomorrow and the years to come. I know you can, any Romanian can become his original version. I not only hold your fists, but I can even be there for you when you think you need support. Read the articles, watch what I say in my videos and ask me questions. This is my life. You want to become a better version and I assure you that you will not be alone. I have the conviction that you can have me close. SUCCESS!

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