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Writer's pictureConstantin Țîbîrnă

After Covid 19 what will be the possible individual reality?

(article taken in full from the website, published on April 10, 2020)

You thought? What scenario is in your mind? How will we meet again after "staying at home", after the aggression of Covid 19?

Most of us currently experience a real terror of approaching a stranger, even someone we know! Soon this state of emergency will end and we will all find ourselves again "crowded" in this society, in this overpopulated social environment. Let's face it, we'll pull the same grabs out of the pockets of our minds.

Let's face it, you don't change the habits of a lifetime in a few weeks, even if the fear of illness is a strong reason.

And again the question: "what will you do after the isolation imposed by the presence of Covid 19"?

As you have learned, a strong organism easily overcomes the disease, asymptomatically. Another, less powerful, suffers more, and the one with "grounded" immunity can even leave the physical plane. This is also true for other common colds and flus. So the helpful question is, why are the situations so different?

Medicine has been telling us for many years that you can get over the disease if you have a strong body. In other words, the body fulfills several valuable characteristics: it is well-nourished, copes brilliantly with daily stress, has an optimal sleep-wake rhythm and implicitly has an efficient immune system.

We can add another valuable asset: the lack of loading with toxic substances. And how much do we know about the harm caused by smoking, environment polluted with pesticides, herbicides, industrial and urban emanations.... How will you face the challenges and how close are you to nature?

It's spring and the season comes with three detox solutions

It's time to discover the new. If you're still staying at home, so you don't get bored, I recommend you try new things that will benefit you. Don't let the moments fly by!

You still have time to test what works for you and what doesn't.

During the winter period, the body had to accumulate reserves to cope with the aggression of the cold environment and temperature changes, accompanied by the onslaught of microorganisms that resume their life cycle, multiply and want to feed. So, in the spring, the environment is full of intense transformations that affect all of us.

If the body is prepared, it will "bloom", if not, it will suffer: spring asthenia, headaches, sinusitis, colds, flu, exacerbations of gastric discomfort and, last but not least, allergies.

Attention: fasting is recommended only for healthy people, or more clearly, for those who are not taking medication for any type of chronic disease. In the case of people who administer specific medication for their diagnosed chronic disease, I recommend that they contact a dietician. He will know what nutritional treatment is best in this situation.

The three solutions for detoxification

or what you can do now, how you can prepare your body for contact with the social environment, post Covid 19.


We know this first solution very well but we don't apply it because we are concerned with other and other "more important" things in our lives: career, car, house, phone, Facebook, politics, football, shopping... Fasting is by far the action with the strongest impact in the detoxification process. Fasting can be: total, only with water, for limited periods of time, starting from a few hours to a few days, intermittent, for a period of a few hours, and can become complex vegetarian, vegan or row-vegan. When you've decided to fast, it really helps to have a friend by your side and/or God, the Universe, a higher positive spiritual being. I remind you that not everyone can engage in fasting, so re-read the paragraph above.


The second solution is to improve the food pattern. Those who follow my recommendations already know very well and have the four friends at hand:

  1. the 50-50 rule (at each main meal 50% thermally prepared food – 50% raw: vegetables, green leaves and seeds),

  2. varied, seasonal, closer to nature (wash green leaves, fruit and vegetables WELL! – fruit is for snacking between meals!)

  3. chew WELL! (a minimum of 15-20 times for each mouthful – that's an efficient pace!)

  4. eating on time (3 meals a day + 2 snacks between meals)

(These four friends are characterized in detail in the nutrition guide "Health has a waist", author Constatnin Țîbîrnă - licensed nutritionist and dietician)


The third solution: discover what you like most in your life and prepare, plan, organize to start with maximum enthusiasm when you are free to move. Add splashes of emotion, joy and gratitude, common sense and closeness to all the people you include in your dreams. Now that you are staying at home and your external worries are gone, think more about yourself and your family. Give up vices, useless actions and harmful things. Free your life from cigarettes, alcohol and wasting time online (games, facebook...), I recommend you to get as close as possible to nature and nature's offer - cleaner, more natural.

Do not forget that the cells of your body feed on the substances that you ingest daily. And your brain feeds on what you put in your mouth! You know very well that good food is the clean food, closer to nature.

Great goals are those thoughts that are born from a pure mind! With a vehicle, the brain, suitable for a challenging evolution but at the same time loaded with human values.

Be wise and only choose common sense!

People once knew that health is both maintained and regained by what goes in and out of the mouth. How can you think you're going to function well if you're feeding your body toxic, useless ballast? Or how will your cells react to the stress of your worries? If your words are loaded with negative inner states, do you know what aggression arises as a chemical response in your cells? How will you feel periodically whipped on the inside? Choose a moment of silence with yourself every day. Your thoughts will be better and you will make wiser decisions.

If we still calm down at home during this period, calm down your mind too.

In the end, is it hard to give up food with colorful labels, displayed in aggressive advertisements and consumed by everyone? Why do some manage to get on with their lives without all of this? And if they can, anyone can. So you too can make the right food choices.

The three solutions will prepare you to face life after this period of limitations determined by the presence of Covid 19. You will acquire a stronger, cleaner body and with an optimized immune system. In addition, you will have strong enough reasons to change your life for the better!

I hug you with love! Good luck!

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