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Green Class 7 Detox


14 days - Intensive Food Reeducation Program

​A program that helps you get off to a safe start

in the effective detoxification of your body!


9 - 22 January 2023

Profită de oportunitate acum.
Pune bazele detoxifierii eficiente
a organismului tău !

63 EUR

54 EUR

​How to take the First 6 STEPS to healthy vegan eating

​What you get if you join the Program
Start DETOX 14 days

     Daily Program:

       *  You will consume:

- liquids: water, green juice combinations, iced teas, lemonades (all from the Green Class collection)

- depending on the objective pursued and the nutritional and health status, you will also be able to consume certain seasonal fruits and sprouts from seeds

       * What you will not consume in these 14 days:

- any food of animal origin

- any food of vegetable origin industrially processed and improperly thermally cooked (unhealthy)

- sugar and artificial sweeteners

- commercial juices and energy drinks

- alcohol

       * depending on the objective pursued and the nutritional and health status, as well as depending on the personal option, you will be able to perform other proposed detoxification techniques

      Detailed information about:

-water, green juices, herbs with detoxifying potential, techniques and methods for detoxifying the liver, colon, blood, lungs, kidneys, as well as,

-the technique of getting germs in your kitchen and last but not least

-notions about the correct combination of foods and how to eat healthy after a periodical detox cure.

      8 live zoom meetings: for clarifications, questions, answers and presentation of a topic of interest (nutrition education).
Here are the topics presented in the webinars:

  1. Detoxification is a natural process of the body. Why we need to support and accelerate this process. What is the lymphatic system.

  2. Water - essential element in detoxification. Types of water. What kind of water is best to consume?

  3. Food is a key factor in detoxification. Foods that support and foods that "sabotage" detoxification.

  4. Important daily actions that support, favor, accelerate the body's natural detoxification process.

  5. Fasting-what is fasting, types of fasting, what happens when you eat continuously.

  6. Lymph cleansing methods. Cure with citrus fruits.

  7. The role of nutritional supplements. Are they necessary or not?

  8. Essential for a healthy lifestyle and supporting the body's natural detoxification process as a long-term LIFESTYLE.

      Private Facebook group: you have all program information, posts, recipes, videos, recorded zoom meetings, communicate and share experiences with group members forever.

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​What benefits can you have by browsing
Start Detox as a Lifestyle Program

• Decreases your insulin resistance (80% of the population has insulin resistance – the first step to diabetes)

• You balance your body weight - you automatically lose extra pounds

• Helps you develop muscle mass (stimulates the production of growth hormone)

• Improving the health of the digestive system – you will be able to eat less because you will assimilate better

• Allergies and inflammation in the body are reduced

• Improves heart and vascular health

• Blood pressure is regulated, heart rate variability increases - you have greater resistance to effort

• Stimulates the autophagy process (recycling of used proteins – reduces the risk of cancer)

• You benefit from the formation of new neurons - you have a better memory

• Reduces your liver fat (fatty liver)

• You'll know better when you're hungry and when you're full - it regulates leptin sensitivity and you get a better response to ghrelin - the food will be better and you'll be full faster - it reduces cravings

• You sleep much better, you have a restful sleep

• Increases the vitality and health of the whole organism

​Join the detox program - help your body optimize its detoxification


300 lei

About me:

My name is Mihaela Tîbîrnă. I love helping people adopt a vegan, healthy way of eating and understand the importance of prevention.

More than 30 years ago I chose to make important changes in my diet. I gave up eating meat and meat derivatives.


After another 10 years I decided to gradually eliminate the other foods of animal origin, namely milk and dairy products as well as eggs. This battle was not as easy as when I gave up meat. After many "mishaps" I succeeded.

I wanted to transform myself first. That's why my diet currently leans towards raw vegan at least 70-80% and I'm constantly improving my lifestyle and diet.

I have inspired, helped and supported many human beings over time towards this way of life.

I want to help you too if you decide that the time has come to make a major change in your life and you don't know where to start and what are the steps towards a vegan or even raw vegan diet. By making this important change you will be able to prevent diseases and premature aging.


I like and love what I do. My life is harmoniously intertwined with the profession I have chosen.

I am a Nutritionist and Dietitian. I graduated from the "Gr.T.Popa" Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi, Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics. I am a Master in Nutrition and Preventive and Curative Dietetics. I am an author and trainer.


At first I was a teacher and taught the children at school. I have followed my vocation and am currently "teaching" great people. I took on the mission of guiding people towards a healthier way of life, towards a correct diet and towards understanding the importance of prevention.

I can't wait to meet you, let's take steps together towards the best version of your health!

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What people say who have benefited from my services and what goodies they prepare in the Green Class Detox Program

Perioada de desfășurare a programului :
9-22 ianuarie 2023

​Sign up for the Program
It lays the foundations for effective detoxification of your body
Starting Today!

300 lei

250 lei

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Do you have friends who want to do an effective detox? Tell them too!

Copyright © 2022 Green Class | Mihaela Țîbîrnă

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