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​Green Class Diet - Lose Weight Healthy

Nutritional WEIGHT LOSS program

​4 weeks of

food reeducation


10 octombrie - 7 noiembrie 2022

84 EUR

105 EUR

BASIC Program


Profită de oportunitate și pune bazele alimentației tale sănătoase începând de azi!

​How to take the First 6 STEPS to healthy vegan eating

​What benefits do you get if you sign up for the Nutritional Weight Loss Program -
4 weeks of food re-education

Lose weight harmoniously - what you want most! Without excessive zeal, without scruple, but rather through intelligently organized work, which brings you

energization, cell regeneration and therefore more health


new recipes therefore healthy habits


new tastes, so gustatory pleasure where you don't expect it


daily actions applied persistently therefore more self-fulfillment

You receive nutrition education - you re-educate yourself:


learn how to organize your shopping - choose the foods that have the most nutritional value


you acquire new habits for life


do you know what are the best food combinations to help you lose pounds and strengthen your health?


You'll know clearly what impact foods, food combinations and the pace at which you eat have on your weight, health, vitality and longevity.

Learn how your body works:


your digestion


your metabolism,


your body's natural detoxification


regeneration of your tissues

You become responsible for:


your decisions: what you eat, when and how much and thus get creative


your permanent education - you research, analyze and assimilate information about your inner universe and the "secret" life of your cells and thus become a discerning being who knows how to make right choices.


how you feed your family so that they are all healthy

You receive practical information and the necessary support from nutrition experts to organize yourself and effectively apply theory, as well as gain enough confidence in yourself to be able to achieve what you set out to do.​

You discover during the course of the program, by applying the recommendations you receive persistently enough, how many extraordinary things your body can do when it receives what it needs and when you allow it to deal with detoxification and regeneration.

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​The first steps in healthy eating to reduce fat mass and keep you at an optimal weight

​I strongly believe that we can constantly make improvements in our diet.
It's your turn to start your transformation.
Choose a future full of health and vitality.

How the program works:

10 întâlniri tematice - 2-3 / săptămână - live pe zoom cu informații detaliate despre: combinarea alimentelor, modul de preparare, grupele alimentare (proteine, glucide, lipide, vitamine, minerale, fitonutrienți), superalimente, plante medicinale, apa în alimentație, somnul, odihna și relaxarea etc. La final - sesiune de întrebări, răspunsuri și clarificări

Primești Colecția de Rețete Green Class.

Programul zilnic: se va mânca minim 50 % crud după rețetele din colecția Green Class, sau după rețetele create de fiecare în parte conform recomandărilor, regulilor și principiilor primite în program. ​

Vei învăța să prepari: sosuri din semințe și nuci fără procesare termică, lapte vegetal, să hidratezi semințele și să obții germeni din semințe.

Vei completa zilnic JURNALUL ALIMENTAR care îți va permite auto-monitorizarea sau vei primi monitorizarea mea în funcție de varianta pe care o alegi la înscriere (basic respectiv basic + monitorizare).

Primești zilnic un email de susținere și de informare.

Grup privat pe Facebook: ai la dispoziție pentru totdeauna toate informațiile din program, postări, rețete, video-uri, întâlnirile zoom înregistrate, comunici și împărtășești experiențe cu membrii grupului

About me:

My name is Mihaela Tîbîrnă. I love to help people adopt a correct, healthy way of eating and understand the importance of prevention.

More than 30 years ago I chose to make important changes in my diet. I gave up eating meat and meat derivatives.

After another 10 years I decided to gradually eliminate the other foods of animal origin, namely milk and dairy products as well as eggs. This battle was not as easy as when I gave up meat. After many "mishaps" I succeeded.

I wanted to transform myself first. That's why my diet currently leans towards raw vegan at least 70-80% and I'm constantly improving my lifestyle and diet.

I like and love what I do. My life is harmoniously intertwined with the profession I have chosen.

I am a Nutritionist and Dietitian. I graduated from the "Gr.T.Popa" Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi, Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics. I am a Master in Nutrition and Preventive and Curative Dietetics. I am an author and trainer.

At first I was a teacher and taught the children at school. I have followed my vocation and am currently "teaching" great people. I took on the mission of guiding people towards a healthier way of life, towards a correct diet and towards understanding the importance of prevention.

I have inspired, helped and supported many human beings over time towards a healthy lifestyle.

I want to help you too if you decide that the time has come to make a change in your life and you don't know where to start and what are the steps towards a correct, healthy diet. By making this important change you will be able to prevent diseases and premature aging.

I can't wait to meet you, let's take steps together towards the best version of your health!

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Ce spun oamenii care au beneficiat de serviciile mele și ce bunătăți prepară ei:

Rafila Oltean, UK

My dears, I hope that my experience will help and motivate you

I want to thank from the bottom of my heart Mrs. Mihaela Tibirna Nutritionist Dietician who changed my life and showed me the way to a beautiful life, without pain!

Good I found you
My green juices from the beginning of the program offered by Mihaela.
They are unfiltered. Later I found out that they have to be filtered.
I have not yet achieved the performance of giving up animal products, but I am heading in this direction.

I have a strong motivation. I have an autoimmune disease and I want to go "green" until the next blood tests. It's a challenge of mine. I feel that I have to do this rawvegan test as well, which the doctors in our hospitals don't even remember.
I'm curious if I'm right, if a raw vegan diet will help lower the values of the autoimmune indicators.

So, what did I feel after completing the 2 programs with Mihaela Tibirna Nutritionist Dietician:
- I learned how to make my own progenitors and germs
- I became aware of hydrating with water at the beginning of the day and eating seasonal fruits
- I knew about the green juice, but together with Mihaela, I put my "bone to work" and stuck to my green juice, every day. You understand what I'm saying...I removed my auger juicer bought 4 years ago from mothballs. In the same place was the Vitamix blender.

What I mean is:
Thank you Mihaela Tibirna

Even if the information was not new, together with Mihaela I managed to put it into practice. Dance has a special style of explaining and waking you up to reality.

I eat sprouts and sprouts..
I'm finally eating chickpeas and lentils...and they don't seem horrible to me anymore...Mihaela's recipes are really delicious.

The craving for bread appeared...especially warm bread...
Cravings for meat, cravings for sweets...were also there
I found that I can drive them away with the second green juice, drunk around 5 pm

There were days when I skipped the green juice...and what do you think...that day I binge ate...left home...with stress and problems to solve

What else have I noticed...
- I feel lighter, even though I weigh 90 kg... I started from 95... for me it was a yo yo effect... I oscillated between 92 and 95... But never below 92. I managed to overcome the psychological barrier .
- I wake up at 6 in the morning...before such performances did not happen
- after the first green juice I felt that my nasal passages were unblocked... I was suffering from sinusitis
- I have more energy
- my legs don't hurt anymore
And the list can go on

I know I'm on the right track!
Thank you Mihaela.!

Georgiana I.

Today I woke up again with a zest for life, I wake up at 6:00 every day. And how else do you wake up when you're full of energy, you feel amazing and all your size S clothes fit you again?
I always tried to maintain my weight, how I took proportions, how I went on different weight loss courses in which it is true that I lost weight, but not after a long time I started to put the kilos back on.
What I can assure you is that I have never lost weight so beautifully, proportionally, harmoniously, and the skin has remained firm, because health has a waistline, right?
The vegan diet and the fact that I learned how to combine food correctly brought me so many benefits and restored my health for the most part. I mean, I got rid of psoriasis, my arthritis went back considerably, I regained my mobility, I reduced prednisolone from 30 mg to 15 mg (on the doctor's advice) and most importantly, I got rid of pain. My body was suffering terribly, I was good at working with the weather, I would never have been wrong with the rain, we know a day in advance when it comes, now I have lost this "quality".

I don't even remember the last time I felt so good. And yes, I really became a firefly because all those who know me, who knew about my health problems, exclaim when they meet me; Wawww.....
After five years I can fully bend my knees again and I never imagined that vegans eat so well.
Thank you Mihaela Tibirna Nutritionist Dietician and Constantin Țîbîrnă Nutritionist Dietician you are THE BEST!!.
I bow before you! May God bless you with everything he knows best.
I wish you all a day with lots of fruits and vegetables and with maximum health!!

Rafila Oltean, UK

​Sign up for the Program and lay the foundations of your healthy diet starting today!

84 EUR

BASIC Program

BASIC + Monitoring

105 EUR

Do you have friends who want to lose weight in a healthy way? Tell them too!

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Perioada de desfășurare a programului : 10 octombrie - 7 noiembrie 2022

Copyright © 2022 Green Class | Mihaela Țîbîrnă

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